Wednesday, January 28, 2009

CRIME Does Pay!

C.R.I.M.E Does Pay!

The Entrepreneurs' greatest resource is TIME. To be successful, you must use your time (with regard to business activities) where it will get its biggest return. I have identified several areas to focus on, and used C.R.I.M.E as an acronym.

CASH: Cash is King! No money = No business. You must spend the bulk of your time on activities that drive sales, revenue, profits, cost savings, and marketing.
RELATIONSHIPS: Building loyal customers, partnerships with your employees, and relationships with your vendors are key to long term success and value building.
INNOVATION: Adaptations and change are necessary and constant. You must invest money and time in your products, services, messages, and YOURSELF.
MOTIVATION: You need to keep the fire burning in yourself and your staff. You need to spend some time recharging, challenging, planning, and executing. If you can't get yourself out of bed in the morning it's time to find something that will.
EVERYTHING ELSE: Your business has operational needs. Payroll, HR, running to the post office, getting to Staples. Delegate accordingly, and outsource what you can afford. Spend most of your time on the important stuff.
Adapt some of these strategies and CRIME does Pay!

Published in the Paradigm Shifter by

Pablo Fonseca

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